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Wild BNE's first meet-up!

King Island Conservation Park, Wellington Point.

Eastern curlew (Numenius madagascariensis) and
grey-tailed tattler (Tringa brevipes), Wellington Point.
Last year, one of my favourite places to visit was King Island Conservation Park, off the coast of Wellington Point. It is linked to the mainland at low tide by a sandbar which provides good views of migratory birds, crabs and marine life. The island itself is home to interesting coastal plants, insects and a mysterious skink that I haven't been able to identify yet, and has a fascinating Indigenous and European settler history also. 

This month, I'll be leading a meet-up where us members of the Wild BNE community can explore this area
together! The number of attendees will be limited, so send an email to if you wish to reserve a place for you and a guest. Basic details are as follows, but more information will be provided to those who email their interest.

Date: Sunday 20th March
Time: Meeting at 11am, finishing at approximately 12:30pm.
Distance: 2km return walk.

Shall I be seeing you there? :)




  1. This sounds fantastic. As you know, we have started our Odyssey so we will most likely not be able to attend but I will keep the date in mind because these days we're going with the flow and you just never know.

    1. Glad it sounds good to you, even if you can't attend! There will be more later in the year, so hopefully they will coincide with when you are back in SEQ :)

  2. I've emailed you! I love King Island and Wellington Point.

    1. Great! You might be able to show me a thing or two there, I've only been twice but it is awesome :)

  3. Hi Christian, I'm committed to an event in the CBD at 1pm that day, or I'd have been at the head of your queue! Best of luck and let us know how it went. Please put my name on a wait list for next time. Trina

    1. Hi Trina, thanks for the well wishes! I will co-ordinate a suitable day with you for the next event as I am hoping to do it at Dawn Road and would love for you to co-host if it interests you. We can talk more about it down the track as I am thinking we might do it in early winter if that suits you, so there's still plenty of time :)


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